Polly Tootal

Camel racing is a hugely popular pastime across The UAE. Controversially riders were traditionally small boys, some as young as four, sold into the international slave trade by desperate families as well as kidnappers. Most of these children come from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Sudan. New rules in 2002 prevent riders under the age of 14 of competing in The UAE, however violations do continue.

The Camel Racetrack



Polly Tootal is an award winning photographer specialising in portraiture and industrial landscape photography.
Her graphic compositions are a contradiction between the vulnerability of the human experience and the vastness of the industrial world.

Clients: Huawei, XBox, Confused.com, Stella Artois, ACNE, Air France, LVMH, BBC, Monocle, Telegraph Magazine, Etihad Airlines & Nespresso